Saturday, October 21, 2017

Exodus 33:9

Exodus 33:9 is a great scripture that discusses the connection between heaven and earth we find in the temple. This scripture is a testament to how the temple provides so much peace and comfort to us all. This scripture also shows that the veil is thin in the temple and that God communicates with us on this earth today just like he did with the people in the scriptures. The temple is literally the House of God, what better place to feel of His love and communicate with Him than at His house? God loves all of His children and He has provided places and resources such as the temple on this earth for us to feel of His love in such a busy and distracted world. 

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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Genesis 30:17 The Lord Answers Our Prayers

Sometimes it is hard to feel that the Lord hears our prayers and answers them, but this scripture helps remind us that the Lord truly is always there and that He does hear our prayers and He will answer them, even if it isn't right away. The Lord's timing isn't our timing and this scripture truly helps us to be reminded that we just have to trust in the Lord and that He knows us better than we know ourselves. I have had many experiences where the Lord doesn't answer my prayers on my timing, which sometimes makes me wonder if my prayer will ever be answered. In the end the Lord's timing helps make the experience of when He does answer my prayer that much more powerful and meaningful to me. I think a lot of the times the Lord waits to answer our prayers to make the experience of when He does answer them more meaningful to us.

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Until Next time.