Sunday, December 3, 2017

2 Samuel 7:27

This scripture is really beautiful and we can learn a lot from it. The main principle that we can learn from this scripture is that the Lord will take care of us. The Lord won't leave us alone, in the darkest times of our lives that is when the Lord is with us most. He is always there, even during the good times. The Lord loves us more than we know and He knows each of us individually and He will always be there to comfort and lift us up when we need it and He will be there to enjoy the times that we enjoy too.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Joshua 8:34

This scripture teaches us that the scriptures are inspired and that they are true. I just love that even though these scriptures were written thousands of years ago, they still apply to each and every one of us today. The scriptures have blessed my life in so many ways and I learn something new from each scripture I have read many times before. This shows that God truly knows us and knows what we need most in life and He will guide us through His word.
Thanks for reading! Until next time.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Numbers 28:25

This scripture is so powerful. You can learn a lot from this particular scripture. The main principle that is represented in this scripture is that we are asked to keep the sabbath day holy. God has done so much for each and every one of us. The least we can do is live righteously and set aside one day to remember Him and all He has done for us. God loves us so much and He wants us to return to Him that is why He wants us to live righteously, He wants us to live with Him again. We can also learn from this scripture that our experiences in this life are the same experiences that those in the scriptures have been through, which helps to solidify the truthfulness of the gospel and the scriptures themselves.

Thanks for Reading!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Exodus 33:9

Exodus 33:9 is a great scripture that discusses the connection between heaven and earth we find in the temple. This scripture is a testament to how the temple provides so much peace and comfort to us all. This scripture also shows that the veil is thin in the temple and that God communicates with us on this earth today just like he did with the people in the scriptures. The temple is literally the House of God, what better place to feel of His love and communicate with Him than at His house? God loves all of His children and He has provided places and resources such as the temple on this earth for us to feel of His love in such a busy and distracted world. 

Thanks for Reading!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Genesis 30:17 The Lord Answers Our Prayers

Sometimes it is hard to feel that the Lord hears our prayers and answers them, but this scripture helps remind us that the Lord truly is always there and that He does hear our prayers and He will answer them, even if it isn't right away. The Lord's timing isn't our timing and this scripture truly helps us to be reminded that we just have to trust in the Lord and that He knows us better than we know ourselves. I have had many experiences where the Lord doesn't answer my prayers on my timing, which sometimes makes me wonder if my prayer will ever be answered. In the end the Lord's timing helps make the experience of when He does answer my prayer that much more powerful and meaningful to me. I think a lot of the times the Lord waits to answer our prayers to make the experience of when He does answer them more meaningful to us.

Thanks for Reading!
Until Next time.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Gensis 4-11 and Moses 5-7

 Dear Readers,
The scriptures Genesis 4-11 and Moses 5-7 are accounts of the life of Adam and Eve when they have their children Cain and Abel. These scriptures then begin to talk about the earth being multiplied, which then leads us to the flood when Noah is asked by God to build an arc. Even though these are accounts from a very long time ago, we can still learn something and apply the principles that they teach in our everyday lives. The main principle that has really stuck out to me from these scriptures is to always be willing to do as the Lord asks, He knows us extremely well, even better than we think we know ourselves. If we don't feel confident in ourselves, He won't leave us alone He will help us through things and qualify us in ways we didn't even think were possible. God truly loves all of us and it is our responsibility to do as He asks and to trust in Him.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Feeling Lonely Is Not Being Alone

Dear Readers,

If you have ever felt alone, betrayed, or forgotten then this message is to you. The truth is that at one point in life everyone feels lonely, but that doesn't mean you were alone. Even though we may feel alone and forgotten by those around us, the fact of the matter is that we weren't truly alone. For one, Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were always walking beside us every step of the way. During the times we feel most alone, that is when they are there the most, guiding us and lifting us up.

In addition to God and Christ being there for us, I can guarantee there is at least one person out there who always had you on their mind and was always there to lift you up in ways that you may not have realized until later on, or maybe haven't come to realize yet. Maybe that person was your mom, a sister, a significant other, a friend, or even a stranger that saw you walk past them on the street, no matter who it may have been, the amazing thing is that you were never actually alone, even when you were at your lowest.

Next time you are going through a hard time remember that there are people that are there for you. Also, remember that everyone has their own struggles, lets all try a little harder to look at those around us, strangers or friends, and realize we aren't the only ones with hard times. We are all in need of a kind gesture every so often, so next time you are walking on campus, give that girl a smile, say hi to that person that sat next to you on the train, write a kind note to a coworker and leave it on their desk. Any little act of kindness of letting someone know that there are people out there who care, not only lifts those around us, but it also helps us power through our own personal struggles with the knowledge that we helped someone have a little bit of a brighter day.

Thanks for Reading,

Until Next time