When we are having a hard time, the thought "why is this happening to me?" almost always enters our minds, yet sometimes when we are so focused on what we are going through, we overlook what our hardships could mean in the eternal perspective. There was recently a devotional given at BYU-Idaho by Curtis Castillow, where he talked about this exact thing. I've been having a hard time lately and his talk really helped me, it was almost as if he was addressing me personally. One thing he mentioned was about his hardships during childhood and how he had been wondering why he had to have such a hard childhood, why he couldn't have been born in the Gospel. As he continued to think about all the bad things that happened to him, he began to see how each of those things helped him get to where he is today. This really showed me that even though my hard times seem like they may never go away, and even though I may not understand why I am going through a certain trial, everything that I experience in my life, good or bad has purpose in the eternal perspective of things. God knows what He is doing and He knows what is best for each and every one of us personally, He will never give us a trial that will be too difficult for us to bear. Brother Castillow's message also showed me that it is important to focus on the good things that I have in my life, which will help me find greater happiness and may even help me see things through an eternal perspective. During the hardships of life it is important to remember that we are going through this trial for a reason, that things are going to get better, and that even though finding the good things may be difficult, as we constantly seek the good and focus on things in an eternal perspective, our trials can become easier to bear as we turn to Heavenly Father and Christ.
Thanks for reading! Until next time!